Breathing Open Motherhood

Simplifying Back to School

Charmaine Newmark Season 1 Episode 18

Welcome to the first podcast for 2023! Todays podcast is all around nutrition and emotions! 2 of the main things on my radar and many of my mumma clients radars currently! 

We will unpack;

- Building resilience and capacity within your self to be with big emotions. 

- Building nutrition in your childs lunch box and what to focus on. 

- Things I try and avoid in their diets to support mood and behaviours. 

- The logistics of how I balance their lunch boxes. 

As always, if you have any questions or want more support, please reach out in all the spaces! 

On Facebook: Charmaine Newmark, The Nourished Naturopath

On Instagram: The Nourished Naturopath (@charmaine.newmark.nourished)

Big love, 

Charmaine xxx