Breathing Open Motherhood
Breathing Open Motherhood
Anxiety in Motherhood - PART 1
Today's podcast is PART 1 of a deep dive in to Anxiety in Motherhood, how we got here and my own personal journey through its waves.
When we are plugged in to the way we 'should' be living, and ticking all of the societal boxes, we are largely disconnected from our truest nature. The nature that connects us as women, as mothers, to the hum of the earths song.
I hope that this podcast lifts a veil of shame and judgement around our super hero sensitivities as Mothers and helps your wound up nervous system, exhale, just that little bit more.
If this podcast brings up any thing for you that you need support with, my inbox is open to you at
If you need real time support right now, please reach out to your support crew or lifeline on 131114.
I truly hope you enjoy the show and I'll see you for tangible steps on the next podcast!
Big love, Charmaine xxx